Video Game Music Composition Tutorial | How To QUICKLY Write Chords & Melodies

July 12, 2023

Video Game Music Composition Tutorial | How To QUICKLY Write Chords & Melodies:

In this video game music composition tutorial, we will be writing a chord progression & melody for an indie game called "Riddledale." In my last video, we analyzed a popular piece from Kirby called "Green Greens". We will apply many of the concepts explored in that video to this composition.

This video will cover the following:

1. How to properly use a reference track as a framework to inspire our ideas QUICKLY.

2. How to write a strong chord progression & melody.

3. The importance of understanding the relationship between the player's in-game actions, how those actions relate to the game's environment, and how all of that fits into the game's overall aesthetic.

So, whether you're an experienced composer or just starting out, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in creating music for video games.

Be sure to watch this video all the way through, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out and ask!